Sunday, July 6, 2008

My first publication, All-American Hhhhits

I published All American Hhhits (it appears below this post) in The Baltimore Evening Sun. It was my first publication; I had submitted a commentary piece about a baltimore doctor who was being sued in District Court by a patient; the editor liked it but had problems with it; i kept 'fixing' whatever he wanted but it just wasnt making it; it was getting close to the Fourth of July; in frustration, I submitted the article about my jewish great grandparents (David Jacob and Bessie Sass) who carried their babies in their arms and ran for their lives from Czarist Russia in the 1880s in order to escape the pogroms (slaughter) against the Jews; had they not fled and left everything behind for freedom in America, I wouldnt exist to write about it; they were willing to come to America with next to nothing and to leave everything they had worked for behind, not knowing the language or the monetary system; i felt that if i couldnt get a piece published in my home town paper around July 4th about my jewish great grandparents fleeing to America to escape death, I wasnt going to try anymore to be published;

the editor of the Commentary Page, Mike Bowler, called me and said he loved it and told me to send him an article once a month about my family and Old Baltimore; that's how I became a contributing writer on the Commentary Page; Mike Bowler was a great editor, but the next month he was switched to the Education Page (he was also teaching in the Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins Univ at that time); 6 short months later, the evening sun went down for good; i was so excited to see All American Hhhhits in print, I didnt realize until a friend pointed out that the article and my name shared space with Art Buchwald's (such a writer!!!!); The Evening Sun was the paper where Russell Baker made a name for himself as a reporter--he's one of my favorite writers;

my great-grandparents only son, Isaac Sass, became my grandfather (my father's father); in 1905, he married Elizabeth Nicholson, a scot presybyterian immigrant from Paterson NJ), who became my grandmother; what happened to Isaac and Elizabeth and to their family--because they were a jew and a christian who married in the prehistoric daze of 1905 , is another story for another day; but----the extended Sass and Nicholson families severed ties forever with Isaac and Elizabeth; I would like to find them so I could wish them well; my great grandmother's name before she married David Jacob Sass was Hirsch;


Katherine Harms said...

What a great story! It should be encouraging to everybody who wants to be a writer. Like me! Keep telling your story, and I will keep reading.

Signe Lauren said...

thanks, katherine----you already are a writer--a good one; i have more stories about my family history which are incorporated in a book titled, A Goodly Heritage, which isnt finished yet;

rokiki said...

This is a great story!You are a wonderful writer,and I look forward to reading more stories from you. Keep up the good work! Your reward is coming.

Signe Lauren said...

rokiki: thanks very much; very happy to hear you like my writing; more later, signe